

规则 & 规定

双方理解如下条款, conditions and rules are agreed to as part of the contract between the 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 (AWT), 以下简称“展会管理”或“AWT”, 以及在AWT年会中购买展览空间的人(“参展商”). 展会管理部门有权解释和执行AWT规则 & 规定. All matters not covered by 规则及规例 are subject to the discretion of Show Management. 所有作出的决定对各方具有与原AWT规则同等的约束力 & 规定. The Exhibitor or its representative is responsible for familiarizing herself or himself with all 规则及规例. 参展商或其代表未能遵守这些条件, 条款, 合同条款或规则可被排除在展会之外,且不退款.

一般条款及细则 AWT reserves the right to take the following 行动 at any time prior to or during the Exhibition and at its sole discretion: (1) terminate this agreement or decline to provide space to an Exhibitor for any reason based on adverse conduct of the Exhibitor (including but not limited to Exhibitor conduct, 或参展商使用, 推广和/或分发材料和/或内容, 令AWT反感或不符合AWT章程的资料, 规则及规例, or mission); (2) prohibit any exhibit, 或其中一部分, 这违反了本协议, 以任何其他方式, 不适合, 或者不符合的性格和精神, the Exhibition; (3) close any exhibit that is determined by Show Management to be too loud or disruptive and/or to disturb other exhibits because of, 除其他外,还有购货销售, 材料内容, or method of operation; and/or (4) refuse to permit an Exhibitor who violates this agreement to participate in one or more future AWT Exhibitions.

展品搬迁 Show Management reserves the right to alter locations of exhibits as shown on the official floor plan, if advisable and in the best interests of the Exhibition as determined by Show Management in its sole discretion.

征求/展示 展品必须限制在指定的确切空间内. 通告, 出版物, advertising matter and all kinds of promotional giveaways must be distributed only within booth spaces. 没有东西可以贴在上面, 钉, 钉, 旋紧的或以其他方式附在柱子上的, 墙, 地板:建筑物或家具的地板或其他部分. 标志、轨道等.,不允许进入或越过过道. 游说, exhibiting or distributing advertising material outside the designated exhibit area is prohibited. 参展商的招揽或展示必须限于参展商自己的展位. Distribution of the Exhibitor’s printed advertisements must be done within the Exhibitor’s own space

酒店事件: 参展商同意在年会活动时间内不提供招待套房. 参展商亦同意不举办大型娱乐活动或其他活动, 在大会的活动时间内组织小组. 这一竞业禁止条款也适用于私人演示、设施、旅游等. 参展商一致认为这些活动有损于展会的整体价值. 除非得到AWT的书面批准,否则禁止上述活动.

责任及保险: AWT及其官员, 董事, 志愿者, 员工, 代理, 赞助商对参展商的财产损失不承担任何责任, 自有或租用, 他的职员或被邀请者, 或者是他的雇员或代理人, 避免人身伤害, 火, 盗窃, 或者其他原因. 建议参展商为员工购买保险, 产品, 并自费展出. Such coverage can usually be provided by requesting a rider to the company’s existing policy if coverage is not already in force. 参展商应受AWT与Devos Place签订的合同条款的约束. 参展商同意赔偿, 持有无害的, 为AWT和它的官员辩护, 董事, 志愿者, 员工, 代理, 和赞助商, 以及Devos Place及其各自的成员, 军官, 董事, 代理, 以及雇员的所有债务, 损害赔偿, 行动, 成本, 损失, 索赔, 和费用, 包括合理的律师费, 因为人身伤害, 死亡, 或造成财产或利润的损害或损失, 全部地或部分地, 从任何疏忽行为, 疏忽, 的错, 或违反参展商或其雇员的法律或条例, 代理, 分包商, or invitees or any other person entering the facility with the implied or express permission of the exhibitor.

Such indemnification by the exhibitor shall apply unless such damage or injury results from the sole 疏忽, 重大过失, 或参展商的故意不当行为, 员工, 或者它的分包商. Children/young adults under the age of 16 are not permitted on the exhibit floor during the installation and dismantling hours.

高度限制: 线性或“直线”和角落摊位的高度限制为8英尺. Perimeter booths (those that back to an outside wall rather than to another exhibit) are restricted to a height limitation of 12'. 20英尺× 20英尺的岛屿最高可达16英尺高,包括标牌.

空间使用: 8’的最大高度只允许在展位的后半部分, 在剩余空间中,所有材料都有4英尺的高度限制. 当三个或更多的线性展位组合使用作为一个单一的展品, the 4' height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space that is within 10' of an adjoining booth.

声音: 不允许使用公共广播系统. The noise level from any demonstrations or sound system should be kept to a minimum and should not interfere with others. Electrical or mechanical apparatus must be muffled so that noise does not interfere with other exhibitors. AWT保留决定声音在什么程度上构成对他人干扰的权利.

协议: 通过签名空间应用程序, 参展商同意遵守这些规则和规定以及AWT的决定. This contract will become binding for both the exhibitor and AWT upon its acceptance by AWT staff. These 条款 and conditions have been developed to offer each exhibitor equality regardless of size. 每个参展公司都应该得到平等的机会, 内部原因, 以最有效的方式将产品呈现给目标受众.

空间作业: 参展商将根据优先级得分优先分配展位. 优先点是根据几个因素确定的, 包括参加以前的博览会, 在大会上赞助一个活动, 广告和/或在《十大菠菜网排行》上发表文章, 或者在大会上发表论文. 在过去的五年中,人们更重视运动. All exhibit space is assigned using priority points and then on a first-come, first-served basis. 请列出六个展位选择. 如果你所有的选择都已经被分配了, AWT将十大菠菜网排行参展商选择展位. 如果在3个工作日内没有回应, the Exhibitor will lose their place in line to select the booth and the next Exhibitor will be contacted Applications received without full payment will not be processed. 场地费用必须以美元支付.S. 美元.

优先积分只适用于在周五之前归还合同和全额付款的参展商, 12月30日, 2022. 如果两家公司在优先级列表中有相同的点数, 展位将根据AWT收到合同的日期进行分配. Companies not having priority points will be assigned booth space according to the date their contract and full payment are received. After 星期五, 12月30日, space will be assigned upon receipt of the contract and full payment. Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to a particular competitor should indicate so on their application; careful consideration will be given to such requests. AWT retains the exclusive right to revise the exhibit hall floor plan(s) and/or relocate any assigned exhibitors as necessary for the betterment of the AWT年会 & 仅由AWT决定的博览会.

转租空间: 参展商不得转让, 转租, 或分摊全部或部分所分配的空间, 或者有代表, 产品, or materials from companies other than its own in said exhibit without the written consent of AWT. 参展商只能代表在展位申请表上签字的公司. 如果有多家公司拥有相同的所有权,则必须单独购买展位.

展品的安装和拆卸: 展览厅将于星期二开放, 10月3日, 上午10点至下午5点为参展商入住时间, 星期三, 10月4日, 上午八时至下午二时作最后准备, 比如照明, 设备供电, 等. 10月4日(星期三)下午2点将进行一次检查. Exhibits that are obviously not being set up and have no representative present will be assigned to the labor contractor for uncrating and erecting to facilitate crate removal and initial 清洁 prior to the exhibit hall opening. 费用将由参展商支付. 允许周三晚些时候安装, 10月4日, 会否按个别申请处理,并在30天内以书面通知AWT职员. 展览会开放时间内不得搭建任何展品.

展品的拆除和设备的包装不得在下午2点之后开始, 星期五, 10月6日. Exhibitors who dismantle their booths prior to the announced closing risk losing their priority points and future exhibit invitations. All exhibits must be packed and ready for removal from the exhibit area no later than 7:00 pm on 星期五, 10月6日.

参展商服务E-Kit: 完整的参展商服务电子套件,包含所有必要的运输订单, 电, 家具租赁, 地毯, 清洁, 等. 将在网上发布. 信息将由总承包商/装饰商NexxtShow通过电子邮件发送给每个参展商. Orders should be submitted by the “Key Dates” listed in the service manual to receive discounted rates.

参展商赠品: 参展商可在其展位派发赠品。. Exhibitors must confine their activities to the space for which they have contracted; this includes the distribution of printed materials

只有参展公司才被允许展示商业角. These are 20 minute presentations that are intended for exhibitors to present on whatever they’d like. 与传统的摘要不同,这些摘要可以作为推销词. 商业角将以先到先得的方式分配. Commercial Corner presenters agree to send all relevant information 10 weeks before the convention.

参展商将在AWT网站上以其名字进行宣传, 他们在大会应用程序上的标志/列表, 如果适用的话, 在现场打印笔记本. 参展商同意向AWT发送上市所需的所有信息, 包括标志, 十大菠菜网排行信息, 以及对他们公司的描述. 这必须在大会召开前10周完成,以确保进入印刷材料. 如果参展商在10周后发送信息, 不能保证他们的信息会被打印出来. 如果错过了截止日期,将不予退款.